Access Management 

Last updated by sandeep 3 years ago
You can limit who can access a knowledge base by requiring users to login before they can read the content. When a user inputs their email address in the login page, Kbee will send them a magic link that they can use to access the knowledge base.  
If you turn on Access Management, on ly users who have had the knowledge base folder shared with them in Drive will be able to access the knowledge base.  

How to toggle Login Requirements 

Go to a Space and click on “Share” in the top right corner 
Image 1  
Change view permission to “Restrict viewer access” and click “+Add People and Groups”  
Image 2  
Specific whether access is granted to specific individuals, groups , or domains.  
Image 3  
Provide the email, group or domain you want to grant access to and click add Group 
Image 4  

Login with Email 

If your users do not use Google login, for example you are sharing your documentation with a third party, but still want to restrict access to your documentation, you can enable  Login with Email 
Image 5  
This will let your users put in their email and receive a “magic link” that will automatically log them in, no passwords required! 
Note: User emails need to be directly added to the Google Drive folder, or their full domain needs to be shared on the folder. Google Groups are not supported with Email Login. If you require Google Group support, do NOT enable this feature!  

Domain-Wide Delegation of Authority 

If you are having issues with your users logging in when they are added to the space indirectly through a Google Group, you can try to set up Kbee with Domain-Wide Delegation of Authority, which gives Kbee an alternative and more robust way to check if a space is shared with a user. 
Note: You will need to be a Gsuite Admin to set this up. A Gsuite Admin will also need to be part of the team in your Kbee account. 
Go to Gsuite Admin , and open the  API Controls  section 
Image 6  
Then click “Manage Domain Wide Delegation” 
Image 7  
Then click “Add New” 
Image 8  
For the ClientID, use Kbee’s client id:
For the OAuth Scope, use:  
Click save, and you should see Kbee now has permission to view group members. 
Image 9  
You should now be set! 
Refreshed On: Mar 04, 2025 02:19:30 UTC+00:00